Ovarian cancer is a mass that begins in the female organ that produce the eggs – the ovaries. The ovaries have many kinds of cells, all which can develop into cancer. Most tumors are non-cancerous and don’t spread beyond the ovary, meaning they can be treated easily by surgically removing the whole ovary or part of the ovary with the tumor. For cancerous ovarian tumors, they can spread easily to other parts of the body, leading to death. Ovarian cancer is seventh among cancer deaths in women, with nearly 300,000 cases every year.

A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in women’s health of their reproductive systems, including ovaries, uterus, vagina, and fallopian tubes. They will work with some health issues including birth control, infertility, childbirth, and even possible cancer in this region. With ovarian cancer, gynecologists will image the ovaries and uterus via ultrasound to see if there is any mass in ovary and the consistency of the same.

When it comes to gynecological surgery, patients will be told of different options on handling their cancer depending on how advanced it is and the age of the patient. For women who still want to bear children, it may be possible to deal with the cancer without removing the ovaries and uterus. Surgery for ovarian cancer has two objectives: to see how far the cancer has spread, and to remove the tumor bulk as much as possible. A hysterectomy, total removal of uterus, is a common option, and if along with ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed, it is called bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

Chemotherapy is a part of cancer treatment, but surgical removal is preferable, especially in early stages of cancer.

In case of advanced cancer, debulking should be done which means removal of other organs if the cancer is advanced, such as urinary bladder, lymph nodes and intestines. Gynecologists, along with other specialists, will make the formal plan of action.

It is essential for those who may have ovarian cancer to find the top gynecologist who can guide and  help treat patients in a manner that stops it from spreading. It is helpful to visit a gynecologist for an overall health checkup, so that she can diagnose such issues ahead of time. Only about a quarter of ovarian cancers are found in its early stages, which means the rest are caught as it has already progressed, thus risking your life in the long run.

Various non specific symptoms like nausea, loss of apetite, weight loss, lower abdominal pain can be due to ovarian cancer so don’t take them lightly and Go online to find the best gynecologist to help prevent and diagnose ovarian cancer early.