Dr. Swati Verma

Dr. Swati Verma

Dr. Swati Verma is a post graduate from SN Medical College Agra where she was a gold medalist. She did her senior residency at ESI hospital Delhi. She is working as a senior consultant at Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial nursing home for more than 12 years and has performed more than 1000 IVF Cycles. Her focus has been on ultrasonography, laparoscopic surgeries, IVF and fertility presentation for cancer patients. She also has vast experience in high risk obstetrics.

Dr. Swati is a member of Indian Fertiltiy Society, Fertility Preservation Society of India, Chandigarh Obstetrics and Gynecology Society. She has contributed chapters and articles in reputed publications and has many paper publications in various national and international journals. She has delivered many lectures and talks and has been an invited faculty at various CMES and national conferences. She has also served as Faculty for various meetings and workshops.

She was given the Award of Honour in recognition of participation as faculty member at Jindal IVF centre and Sant Memorial Nursing Home Chandigarh (ICMR Accredited IVF Centre) for Fellowship training at ART session 2014-15. She is dedicated caring and skillful person.

Research articles/ papers published in Journals and presented at professional Conferences

Favorable infertility outcomes following anti-tubercular treatment prescribed on the sole basis of a positive polymerase chain reaction test for endometrial tuberculosis.

Human reproduction

  1. Female Genital Tuberculosis:   Early diagnosis by laparoscopy and endometrial polymerase chain reaction. International Journal of Tuberculosis
  2. Comparative evaluation of laparoscopy and endometrial polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of female genital tuberculosis in infertile women in India. Fertility and Sterility
  3. Principles and practice of Assisted Reproductive Technology.  Volume 1 infertility

Chapter- Luteal phase support

  1. Obstetric outcome of 111 β-hCG positive cases following IVF.
  2. Comparison of outcome of non-tubal infertility in endometrial polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for mycobacterium tuberculosis positive and PCR negative women.
  3. Improved pregnancy rates after ATT in  endometrial TBPCR positive cases.
  4. Causes  of cancellation of IVF cycle
  5. Outcome of IVF cycle in GNRH agonist vs antagonist.

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