The Pioneers in IVF in Chandigarh(Since 1989) We are the pioneers in ART and IVF in Chandigarh, with experience of more than 30 years. The centre was established by Dr. Umesh Jindal, who after extensive training in both India...Why Jindal Ivf
Disclaimer : The content on the website is solely for the purpose of educating and creating awareness about the domain. This shall not be treated as a substitute to a professional advice or prescription. Every individual and their case is different, so the results of any of the treatments mentioned on the website may vary. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Gender selection and Gender counselling is banned under The PCPNDT Act 1994 As per the Act, it is illegal to use any technique to identify the sex of a foetus after conception. We neither support nor practice sex / gender selection during any kind of treatment including IVF. We strongly condemn sex / gender selection in any form of treatment.
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